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Electronic Device Policy

Electronic devices must not be visible and must be turned off during the school day (8:00am to 4:45pm).

Electronic devices must not be on your person and must be put away in your backpack at all times.

Electronic devices include but are not limited to cell phones, earbuds, headphones.

When an electronic device is picked up by a teacher or staff member the following will occur:

  • 1st offense – Parents/guardians will be notified that the student’s device has been confiscated. The student can pick up the device at the end of the school day (4:45pm).
  • 2nd offense – Parents/guardians will be notified that the student’s device has been confiscated for the second time. The student can pick up the device at the end of the school day (4:45pm) upon payment of a $5 fee.
  • 3rd offense – Parents/guardians will be notified that the student’s device has been confiscated for the third time. The parent can pick up the device at the end of the next school day (4:45pm) upon payment of a $10 fee.
  • 4th offense – A mandatory parent conference will be held, an electronic device contract will be signed, and the device can be picked up following the meeting and upon payment of a $15 fee.

***Any student refusing to give the device to school personnel will be subject to disciplinary consequences.